Are You Experiencing Delayed Injuries From A Car Accident?

Delayed injuries are a reality that happens for a variety of reasons. After an accident your body releases endorphins. According to  “Endorphins are neurotransmitters whose functions range from blocking pain, to generating feelings of pleasure.” In the time following in accident it’s hard to gauge levels of pain or trauma as a result of the endorphins released in your body. This effect can last for days or even weeks, leading some injuries to go unnoticed in the immediate aftermath following an automobile accident.

Simulated whiplash

In the coming weeks following an accident, it’s not uncommon for one to feel abdominal pain, headaches, pain in the neck and shoulders, back pain, or a sense of numbness or tingling as a result from the impact of a car accident. Conditions of this type occurring after an accident are likely the result of said accident. It is important to see a doctor to get a proper valuation following these symptoms to determine your condition.

After getting into a car accident, even if it’s a minor fender bender, you may find yourself suffering minor to severe injuries resulting from the whiplash injury of the spine, or other trauma resulting from the impact. You might appear fine and you might think it unreasonable to seek medical attention, however you could be suffering from a multitude of possible injuries whose symptoms were delayed. These injuries have the potential to cause long term damage to your health if not treated and can be expensive.

If you, or a loved one who has been injured in an automobile accident is experiencing delayed symptoms from an automobile accident you may have options for obtaining compensation. Plymouth County personal injury law attorney Michael S. Mehrmann has spent many years helping people from across Plymouth County, including in Kingston, Plymouth, Marshfield, Hanson, Carver, Pembroke, and Duxbury, deal with their legal needs. To find out more about how we can assist you, call (781) 585-3911 or contact us online.